“I like to dress up my dog in cute costumes, but he always tries to take them off.”

“I hate getting dressed up for these formal parties.”

Dressing up can mean wearing a costume, such as a Halloween costume, or just wearing fancy clothes, for example, to go to a formal dance party. It means wearing special clothes that are nicer than your everyday clothes. It can also be a game for children, in which they put on fanciful costumes (fairy, cowboy, etc.) to play.



「Dress up」はハロウィーンコスチュームなどの衣装を着ることや、フォーマルなダンスパーティーに行くために着飾ることをさします。日常の服より良い、特別な服を着ます。またフェアリーやカウボーイなどファンタジーな服を着て遊ぶ子供の遊びでもあります。