july17hvnewsletterThis week’s video lets your child learn and practice some fun everyday words, while practicing the important phrase from last week’s video.


Classroom Tip
After doing the Flower Chant, play this video and have students do the gestures as they chant. Do the It’s a Chant from last week before to get the students’ wiggles out.

フラワーチャントの後にこの動画を観ながら一緒に歌ってジェスチャーをします。その前に先週の It’s a のチャントで落ち着かない生徒のエネルギーを消費させましょう。

At Home Tip
Each vocabulary word from Happy Valley has a gesture. Please go here to see the gestures for flower, tree, house and rainbow. As your child says the chant, they can do the gesture for each word, too. Remember to do it with them to make it even more fun!


Please add your comments – What do you do? How did you find these tips? We’d love to see YOUR videos.

ご意見をお聞かせ下さい! どの様にこの動画を活用しましたか? ヒントは役に立ちましたか?あなたの動画を是非見てみたいです。

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Happy Valley TV をチャンネル登録してくださいね。追加の動画を近々アップします!

See you soon! またね!

Happy Valley ハッピーバレー

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