hvweek16itsarobotWith this week’s video, children can learn or review vocabulary about shapes and toys, as well as simple sentences using “it’s a”.

今週の動画では形とおもちゃの単語、そして「it’s a」を使った簡単な文を練習しましょう。

Classroom Tip
Before doing this chant, play the It’s a Chant video to warm-up. Then, as you watch this week’s video, students can point to the objects on “It’s a” and then make a shape with their hands or do the toy gesture with their hands. Please see our gesture video here.

このチャントの前に「It’s a Chant」の動画を観ておきます。そうすると、今週の動画を観ながら「It’s a」と指をさして、形とおもちゃのジェスチャーが出来ます。このジェスチャー動画を参考にして下さい。

At Home Tip
Do as in the Classroom Tips. Then, try to find shapes around your house. If your child has a book, robot or doll, find those, too.


Please add your comments – What do you do? How did you find these tips? We’d love to see YOUR videos.

ご意見をお聞かせ下さい! どの様にこの動画を活用しましたか? ヒントは役に立ちましたか?あなたの動画を是非見てみたいです。

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