hv34breakfastLearn some breakfast words from this week’s video. Then you’ll have a chance to practice English every morning!




Classroom Tip

This chant from Happy Valley 3, Unit 1, isolates vocabulary for popular breakfast foods. Students can watch and listen, adding the gestures as usual or, they can play a game with the chant. Place the HV3 Unit 1 flashcards around the room where everyone can see them. As you watch and listen, students can point to the matching cards whilst repeating the words.





At Home Tip

This chant from Happy Valley 3, Unit 1, isolates vocabulary for popular breakfast foods. Students can watch and listen, adding the gestures as usual or, they can play a game with the chant. Using toy plastic foods or drawing them on paper, play the game “Slap” (karuta). At breakfast, use this vocabulary to reinforce the language with your child at the time when they most want to eat these foods.





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