Phrase of the Week: Guess What

“Guess what! We got a new cat!” “Guess what! I brought cookies!” “Guess what! I got 100% on my math test!” “Guess what” tells the listener that you have some exciting news to share. It’s usually good news, but not always: “Guess what happened this morning! I almost...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Brightly colored packages _____ for the attention of shoppers.” Fill in the blank. A. compete B. converge C. fight over D. complete 「鮮やかなパッケージは買い物をする人の注意を引こうと競い合います。」...

Trivia of the Week: Red Giant

A red giant is a kind of star. It’s much bigger than our sun—it’s giant! But it’s actually not very massive or dense, for a star. Its light is orange or red. Red giants are older stars that have burned up their fuel. When a star like ours burns out and collapses, the...

Idiom of the Week: Get On Like a House On Fire

“When the cousins first met they were shy but soon they were getting on like a house on fire.”   To get on like a house on fire is to like each other a lot and become good friends quickly. This is one of the few times when “a house on fire” is not a bad thing!...