Phrase of the Week: I Can’t Help It

“Stop shivering.” “I can’t help it. I’m cold!” We use this phrase when we have no choice. It’s impossible not to do something. Here are some more variations: “He couldn’t help but smile when his daughter showed him the picture she’d drawn.” “When I hear this song, I...

Trivia of the Week: Black Hole

A black hole is very dense. It forms when a massive star dies and collapses. Its gravity is so strong that close to the black hole not even light can escape. In the center of a black hole is a point of infinite density.  ...

Idiom of the Week: Don’t Let It Get to You

“The other kids were teasing me today.” “Oh, don’t let them get to you.”   If something or someone “gets to you” it means it bothers you or makes you feel bad. This phrase often appears in advice such as, “You can’t let it get to you.” But you might also hear it...