Word of the Week: Tease

“Mom, Billy’s teasing me!” “Don’t tease the dog or he might bite you.” Teasing is speaking or acting in a mean way. It usually isn’t meant to really hurt anyone. However, it can easily go too far—a sibling’s teasing...

Picture of the Week: Dragonfly

Has a dragonfly ever landed on you? They are so light that you might not notice. To a human, a dragonfly is beautiful and harmless, but to a smaller insect it is as scary as dragon!...

Phrase of the Week: On the Other Hand

“I’d like to stay up and watch the end of this movie. On the other hand, I do have a big test tomorrow. I should get plenty of sleep.” “On the one hand, I really like coffee. But on the other hand, I don’t want to drink caffeine so late at night.” You can compare the...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“They are always finding new security flaws, so it’s important to check for updates _______, so you will be protected right away.” Fill in the blank. A. always B. constantly C. never D. occasionally 「いつも新しいセキュリティーの弱点が見つかっているから、すぐ守られるように更新がないか確認し続けるのが大事です。」...

Trivia of the Week: Dolphins

Dolphins live in the ocean, but they are mammals. There are many kinds of dolphins, but the most well-known is the Bottlenose Dolphin. Dolphins use sound waves to “see” objects in the water. This is called echolocation.  ...