Word of the Week: Tiny

“What a tiny dog! I’ve never seen such a small dog.” “I know you said not to eat any candy before dinner, but I just had a tiny bit.” “Look at this dollhouse. It has teeny-tiny pillows on the little beds!” “Tiny” just means “very small”. “Teeny-tiny” is a very cute...

Picture of the Week: Dog in Snow

Lately it’s been feeling like summer. Let’s escape from the heat for a moment with a cold, snowy picture. This dog is enjoying the snow. Have you ever played with a pet in the snow?...

Phrase of the Week: I can’t afford it

“I really want this new game, but I can’t afford it.” “We can’t afford to waste time if we’re going to get to the theater before the movie starts.” We say we can’t afford something when we don’t have enough money to buy it. We can also use this expression with things...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“The dress code is ________ so you don’t need to wear a suit and tie.” Fill in the blank. A. casual B. formal C. causal D. formality 「ドレスコードはカジュアルなのでスーツとネクタイを着る必要はありません。」...

Trivia of the Week: Deus ex Machina

“Deus ex Machina” isn’t really English; it’s Latin! But we use it in English to describe stories in which a powerful force solves the protagonist’s problems. It means “god from the machine” and comes from Greek plays where a machine was used to allow an actor to play...