Picture of the Week: Caterpillar

Have you seen any caterpillars lately? They make cocoons and then turn into moths or butterflies. 最近青虫や毛虫を見ましたか?繭を作って蝶々か蛾になります。

Phrase of the Week: Get used to

“When you live near a busy road, you get used to the sound of cars and sirens.” “This class was really hard at first, but after I got used to it, it was kind of fun.” When something new and unfamiliar becomes familiar to you, you “get...

The most important meal of the day! Let’s learn some breakfast words! 一日でもっとも大切な食事!朝ごはんの言葉を覚えましょう!

Learn some breakfast words from this week’s video. Then you’ll have a chance to practice English every morning!   今週の動画で朝ごはんに関する言葉を覚えると、毎朝英語の練習ができますね!   Classroom Tip This chant from Happy Valley 3, Unit 1, isolates vocabulary for popular breakfast foods....

Trivia of the Week: Boomerang

A boomerang is a traditional weapon from Australia. It’s a long flat piece of wood that in an “L” shape. It’s famous for coming back when thrown, but there are both returning and non-returning types. The ones that return are more commonly used for sport and...