Picture of the Week: Azaleas

The azaleas have been blooming this month. Have you seen them? Are they still blooming in your area? 今月はツツジが咲いていました。見ていますか?あなたの近くではまだ咲いていますか?

Phrase of the Week: At Stake

“You can’t give up. Lives are at stake here!” “She must be very nervous. The outcome of the game is at stake!”   What is at stake, or the stakes, are what will be decided by the outcome of an event. If the stakes are high, the match, battle or other event is...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“You can’t go out dressed like that. Your socks don’t even ______.” Fill in the blank. A. match B. same C. together D. same color 「そのままでは出かけられないでしょう。靴下の色が違う。」...


ゴールデンウイークのお休みについて 4月29日~5月12日の間は、レッスン並びに受付業務はお休みとなっております。 レッスンのご予約・ご変更は13日以降にご連絡ください。 無料体験レッスンのご予約や新規お問合せはこちらの問い合わせフォームからご連絡ください。...

Trivia of the Week: Trombone

The trombone is a brass instrument with a telescoping slide that can be moved back and forth to change the pitch. Its name comes from “big trumpet”, as it is similar to a trumpet except for using a slide instead of three valves to change the length of the tube....