TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“It’s not difficult work, but it is time-assuming.”   Find the mistake. It’s not difficult but it is time-assuming   「難しくはないが、時間がかかる仕事です。」   難しいのも嫌かもしれませんが、時間ばかりかかってチャレンジがない仕事はずっと続くとつまらないと感じませんか?時間を消費する仕事は英語で言うと「consumes...

Trivia of the Week: Spaghetti

Spaghetti is a common food from Italy. Spaghetti noodles are made from wheat flour and water. The name spaghetti comes from Italian for “little strings”. Many people prefer their spaghetti to be cooked “al dente”, or still a little firm. “Al dente” means “to the...

Idiom of the Week: Ignorance is Bliss

“Where did you get that chocolate?” “Bill gave it to me.” “Isn’t that the chocolate Jane gave him for Valentine’s Day? Are you going to tell her he gave it to you?” “No. Ignorance is bliss.”   Sometimes we are happier if we don’t know something. Not knowing...

Word of the Week: Certainly

“Could you hand me that book?” “Certainly.”   “If you study hard you will certainly pass this test.”   “Certainly” can mean “of course” or “definitely”. It’s a good word to use in polite situations. You might hear it from a waiter after placing an order at a...

Picture of the Week: Fox

In folklore, foxes are often cunning and tricky. In Japan, they can also be messengers of the gods, like the inari found in many shrines. Have you ever seen a real fox, or only stone foxes?...