Phrase of the Week: Stay Back!

“Stay back! I have a knife!” “Stay back! There’s broken glass on the floor. Don’t come in here until I clean it up.” In movies, people often tell monsters or other scary creatures to “stay back!” This is an urgent...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“I really admire her work and look up at her as a person.” Find the mistake. A. admire B. her work C. look up at D. as a person 「彼女の作品が大好きで人としても憧れています。」 誰かに憧れるとはその人が自分より上にいると考えられます。上を見上げてその人を見るようなイメージです。これは決まったフレーズですので、look up atではなくlook up...

Trivia of the Week: Pots and Pans

Pots and pans are containers used for cooking and usually made of metal. The difference between a pot and a pan is that a pot generally has two handles, while a pan has one handle. Both are usually round or cylindrical in shape. Of course, there are exceptions. For...

Idiom of the Week: Shipshape

“This bicycle hasn’t been used for a while. I’m going to get it shipshape before I ride it into town this weekend.” A ship has to be organized and in good condition before it can sail. A bicycle is not a ship, but we compare anything to a ship...

Word of the Week: Oops

“Oops! I forgot to lock the door!” “Oh, I spelled this word wrong. Oops!”   “Oops” is something we say when we realize we made a mistake. It can also occasionally be used to sympathize with someone else’s mistake....