A present please! Let’s ask for things in English! プレゼントをください!英語でお願いしてみましょう!

This week’s video shows a simple but polite way to ask for something you want. It’s easy to practice at mealtimes! 今週の動画は、何か欲しいものがあるときに使う簡単で礼儀正しい言い方を紹介します。食事のときに練習してみましょう! Classroom Tip Practice the target language from Happy Valley 1 Unit 8 with this...

Idiom of the Week: Mexican Standoff

“Neither of us wanted to make a deal, so it was a Mexican standoff.”   A Mexican standoff is a confrontation in which nobody has a good option. The tension continues because nobody has an advantage and nobody can retreat.  ...

Word of the Week: Anonymous

“The police received an anonymous tip.” “No one knows who wrote this because it was published anonymously.”   When you are anonymous, it means no one knows who you are. Your name and identity are not shown. In many places on the Internet,...

Picture of the Week: Upside-Down Bee

Bees pollinate not only decorative flowers, but also many plants we grow for food. Bees gather pollen, visiting different flowers. In the process, the bee brings pollen from one flower to another, allowing the flowers to make seeds....