執筆者 Modern English | 2015年12月10日 | Trivia
Inflatable castles have many names, but the one that describes them best may be “closed inflatable trampolines”. They are inflatable like balloons, but they are shaped like a small house or tent and function as trampolines. They are a lot of fun for kids...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年12月09日 | Idioms
“It’s her tenth birthday, so we’re going all out, cake, balloons, clowns, a bouncy house, yadda yadda yadda.” “The teacher said we have to include our sources and proof read and use correct punctuation and yadda yadda yadda.”...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年12月08日 | Words
“Who’s a good dog? You get a treat!” “I took the kids out for ice cream as a treat.” “I treated my friend to pizza on his birthday.” As a noun, a treat often means a sweet food, but it can mean any special food or experience,...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年12月07日 | Pictures
The well-known Christmas poem “The Night Before Christmas” starts out with these lines: ‘Twas the night before Christmas And all through the house Not a creature was stirring Not even a mouse. 有名なクリスマスの詩「クリスマスの前の晩」は、こう始まります。 クリスマスの前の晩...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年12月05日 | Phrases
“It may come as a surprise American exchange students, but in Japan, students clean their own classrooms as a matter of course.” A matter of course is something that is routine and unremarkable, to be expected....