Phrase of the Week: It Grew On Me

“The first time I heard this song, I thought it was annoying, but my kids kept playing it and it grew on me.” If something grows on you, you don’t like it at first, but over time you start to like it more. This can be true of many things—a movie you...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“The support ticket was closed because the issue was resolve.” Find the mistake. A. support ticket B. was closed C. because the issue D. was resolve 「問題が解決されましたのでテクニカルサポートのチケットを閉めました。」...

Trivia of the Week: Underdog

“I’m rooting for the Tigers in this game. They’re the underdogs.” The underdog or underdogs are the side of a game that seems likely to lose. If the teams or players are evenly matched, there is no underdog. If it’s logical to expect that...

Idiom of the Week: Run a Tight Ship

“I don’t know why Mr. Smith was so mad. It was just a little mistake.” “Well, he runs a tight ship. He wants everything to be perfect for the customers.” A business or home is not a ship, but we can use ships as a metaphor for anything....