執筆者 Modern English | 2015年10月08日 | Trivia
Most plants are counted normally: one pine tree, three rose bushes, five apples, ten leaves. But some are more interesting: a blade of grass, an ear of corn, a head of lettuce! ほとんどの植物は普通の数え方をします。たとえば、松の木が1本、バラの茂みが3つ、リンゴが5個、葉っぱが10枚。でも、もっと面白いのがありますよ。英語では草は blade of...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年10月07日 | Idioms
“Consumers are no longer affected by traditional advertising strategies. We need to think outside the box for our new campaign!” “The box” contains all the old and usual ideas. If someone tells you to think outside the box, they want you to be...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年10月06日 | Words
“How are you doing?” “OK. How about you?” “Hand me that pen.” “OK.” “I’m going to take the dog for a walk.” “OK.” “How was the movie?” “It was just OK.”...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年10月05日 | Pictures
The most common squash in Japan is the kabocha or pumpkin squash, but there are many kinds, such as acorn squash and spaghetti squash. The more familiar orange pumpkin in America and the zucchini are also members of the squash family. 日本で一番良く知られているsquashは「pumpkin...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年10月03日 | Phrases
“I leaned over to pick up the pencil I had dropped.” “I have to pick up my daughter from soccer practice in half an hour.” “The sensor is picking up a signal!” “Pick up” has many meanings! 「落とした鉛筆をかがんで拾った。」...