Idiom of the Week: Tinker

“Did you add that function to our website?” “No, I still need to tinker with it until it works right.” “My sister loves to take machines apart and tinker with them.” Tinkering is building or rebuilding something, usually a machine....

Word of the Week: Hold

“A man appeared in the door, and he was holding a gun!” “Hold my bag while I buy my ticket.” “Can I hold the baby?” “The cat doesn’t like to be held.” To hold something is to keep it in your hand or hands. You can...

Picture of the Week: Snow Cone

Snow cones, or shaved ice, make a great treat for hot weather. Even though they are sometimes called “snow cones”, they don’t have edible cones like ice cream cones. Sometimes they come in bowls, and other times they have paper cones. かき氷(Snow...

Phrase of the Week: By The Way

“The concert was great. By the way, I saw your cousin at the store. I didn’t know she was in town.” “This author is very famous. I’ve read all his books, by the way.” “By the way” is a phrase we use to introduce a new...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Unfortunately your application has been ejected, but you are encouraged to apply again in the future.” Find the mistake. A. Unfortunately B. application C. ejected D. apply 「残念ながら今回の申請は却下されましたが、また次回にお申し込み下さい。」...