Phrase of the Week: Stand Back

“Stand back! I’m about to light the fireworks.” We use this phrase to warn people not to get too close to something. This could be to keep them at a safe distance from something dangerous, or sometimes to keep something or someone safe from a crowd gathering around....

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“The customer wanted a sandwich, but we were _______ of bread.” Fill in the blank. A. finished B. in C. out D. ended 「客がサンドウィッチを求めたがパンが切れていた。」 「パンが終わっていた」というなら「The bread was finished」という言い方もできますが、ここの「we were ____ of...

Trivia of the Week: Shooting Star

A shooting star isn’t really a star. It’s a meteor falling through the earth’s atmosphere. If you see one, you can make a wish. When there are a lot of shooting stars at once, it’s a meteor shower....