執筆者 Modern English | 2015年09月01日 | Words
“I’m sorry. The restaurant is full.” “I can’t eat any more. I’m full.” “The abandoned house was full of spiders and rats.” If something is full, all the space inside it is occupied and nothing/no one else can...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年08月31日 | Pictures
Did you scoop any goldfish at a summer festival this year? Please take good care of them. As they grow bigger, they will need a bigger tank....
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年08月29日 | Phrases
“Stand back! I’m about to light the fireworks.” We use this phrase to warn people not to get too close to something. This could be to keep them at a safe distance from something dangerous, or sometimes to keep something or someone safe from a crowd gathering around....
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年08月28日 | TOEIC
“The customer wanted a sandwich, but we were _______ of bread.” Fill in the blank. A. finished B. in C. out D. ended 「客がサンドウィッチを求めたがパンが切れていた。」 「パンが終わっていた」というなら「The bread was finished」という言い方もできますが、ここの「we were ____ of...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年08月28日 | Happy Valley, Kids, News
“Thank you” is one of the most important words to learn in order to get along with people in any language! Let’s practice how to give and receive politely in English with this week’s video....