Idiom of the Week: Too Awesome For Words

“How was the theme park?” “Too awesome for words!” If something is too awesome for words, it’s so great that words cannot describe it. The phrase can be used with pretty much any adjective. 「テーマパークはどうだった?」 「言葉にできないほどすごかった!」...

Word of the Week: Stuck

“Help! My hand is stuck in this jar!” “I’m really stuck on this math problem. Can you give me a hint?” When something gets stuck, it is caught in one place and unable to move. If you try to go through a too-small space, you can get stuck....

Phrase of the Week: On a Monthly Basis

“Your progress will be reviewed on a monthly basis so we can be sure you’re proceeding in the right direction.” If something happens on a monthly basis, it happens once a month. You can also do something on a daily, weekly or yearly basis, if you do...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“I finished writing the ad copy, but I’m a terrible speller, so please have someone prove it.” Find the mistake. A. finished writing B. ad copy C. terrible speller D. someone prove 「広告のテキストを書き終わりましたが、僕はつづりが苦手なので、誰かにチェックしてもらってください。」...