Picture of the Week: Bee

Bees are very important to us humans. They pollinate plants that grow many foods that we eat. Have you seen bees near your home lately? If you have a yard, you can help bees by planting flowers and plants that they like....

Phrase of the Week: Don’t Keep Us in Suspense

“You’ll never guess who I saw at the store today.” “Who?” “It’s someone you know, but I don’t think you’ve seen him for a few years.” “Don’t keep us in suspense. Just tell us already.” “All right, fine. It was my cousin.” A good storyteller can create a feeling of...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

The siren ____ beachgoers when a tsunami is coming. Fill in the blank. A. warns B. told C. telling D. warms 津波が来るときに海で遊んでいる人を「温めて」も仕方ありませんのでDはアウトです。後に来る文が現在形なのにBの過去形を選ぶと変ですね。Cはisが前にないので現在進行形は使えません。残りのwarn(忠告する)またはtold(伝えた)のどちらでもいいですが、tsunami is...

Trivia of the Week: Litter

A litter is a group of brother and sister kittens that were born at the same time. The word “litter” also means throwing garbage on the street. Animal rescue groups use a play on words to encourage cat owners to get their animals spayed and neutered:...

Idiom of the Week: Soldier On

“I know you’re sick of studying, but just soldier on through one more week of classes, and then you’ll have a vacation.” Sometimes you have to keep going through difficult conditions or keep working at an unpleasant task. At a time like that,...