Phrase of the Week: At the Last Minute

“Ugh, I stayed up all night writing this essay.” “That’s because you waited until the last minute to start!” “The last minute” or “the last second” is not literally one minute before the deadline, but it is very...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“The chef will prepare anything you ___.” Fill in the blank. A. desire B. despair C. despise D. despite 「シェフがあなたの食べたいものを何でも作って差し上げます。」 最後の部分は「あなたが欲しがるもの」ですので、「欲しがる」に一番近い動詞を選びましょう。Dは動詞ですらないのでアウトです。Bは「絶望する」という意味で、Cは「強く嫌う」なので残るAが正解です。 Do more TOEIC practice...

Trivia of the Week: Trolls

Classically, trolls are a kind of humanoid monster that lives under bridges. In one famous story, three goats must cross a bridge without being eaten by the troll that lives underneath. Nowadays, “troll” usually refers to troublemakers on the internet....

Idiom of the Week: Mumbo Jumbo

“Let’s rent this movie today.” “A fantasy movie? You know I don’t care for magic and unicorns and all that mumbo jumbo.” “Mumbo jumbo” is a negative word for something complicated or confusing that we don’t...

Word of the Week: Dull

“This knife is getting dull. I think I’ll get a new one.” “I never did well in grade school. Everyone thought I was just a dull kid, but actually the classes were so dull, I never paid attention. When I took more challenging classes I did...