Phrase of the Week: Take Turns

“Let’s try this new video game I got.” “But it’s only single player.” “That’s okay. We can take turns.” When something can’t be shared by more than one person at the same time, you can still share it by...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Five different designs and a rainbow of available colors provide a narrow range of options.” Find the mistake. A. different designs B. of available C. colors provide D. a narrow 間違いはどこでしょうか? 5通りのデザインと好きな色を選べるので選択肢が多いことをアピールしていますが、narrow は「狭い」という意味です。代わりに...

Trivia of the Week: John Doe

John Doe is a name used for a man whose name is not known—for example, if a man is found dead with no identification, or he has amnesia and his identity is unknown. For a woman, the equivalent name is Jane Doe....

Idiom of the Week: Ball and Chain

“Want to go out drinking after work?” “I’ll have to ask my wife.” “I see. How is the old ball and chain doing, anyway?” We have an idea that a man loses his freedom when he gets married. So you might occasionally hear his wife referred to as his “ball and chain”, like...

Word of the Week: Coax

“I coaxed the kittens out of the hole using some tuna and took them home.” To coax someone is to try to get them to do something in a gentle manner. Perhaps they are scared or suspicious, so if you try to force them, they will run away or freeze up, so it’s better to...