Trivia of the Week: Work Out

“Heading to the gym? Are you going to work out?” “No, I work in the cake shop next to the gym.” “Work” means to do a job for money, or to perform a task that takes effort. Add “out” afterwards and the meaning changes completely. “Work out” means to exercise for the...

Idiom of the Week: Dressed to Kill

“Do I look okay in this dress for the party?” “Better than okay, you’re dressed to kill!” “Dressed to kill” doesn’t literally mean wearing clothes appropriate for murder. It’s really just “dressed to impress” or “very well dressed”. 「パーティーに着るドレス、これで大丈夫かな?」...

Word of the Week: Plenty

“Could I perhaps borrow an umbrella?” “Sure! We have plenty!” Plenty is more than enough. If there is plenty of something, there is enough for everyone who needs it, plus some extra. “Make sure there’s plenty of soda for the party tomorrow.” (We don’t want the party...

Picture of the Week: Hippo

Do you imagine the hippopotamus as a fat, lazy animal? They are actually very aggressive and dangerous, although they eat only plants. Their closest relative is the whale....

Phrase of the Week: I Can Tell

“Then look through the window on the oven door to see if it’s done.” “How can you tell if it’s done?” “I have lived with dogs my whole life, so I can tell how they feel from their body language.” “Tell” usually means to give information by speaking, but it can also...