Idiom of the Week: He Drinks Like a Fish

“Isn’t that his third beer tonight?” “Yeah, he drinks like a fish. Maybe someone should run to the store for more beer.” “Drink” can be used with any kind of drink—water, fruit juice, soda, etc. But if it’s not clear exactly what is being drunk, it often means...

Word of the Week: Jagged

“This knife has a jagged edge.” “The window was broken, leaving jagged shards of glass.” “Jagged” means not straight. It’s a little like zig-zag, but it may be even or uneven. 「このナイフはギザギザしている」 「窓が割れてギザギザしたガラスの破片を残していた」 Jagged...

Phrase of the Week: I Was Born

“I was born on a Thursday.” “To be born” is the passive voice of the word “bear”. You could say something like, “My mother bore three children.” But it is not common to hear “bear” in the active voice. Usually we just say, “She had three children.” 「私は木曜日に産まれました。」 「To...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“To use the service, you must first agree to the ____ and conditions.” Fill in the blank. A. terms B. turns C. teams D. terns 「サービスを利用するにあたって、まず契約条件に同意しなければなりません」 良く似た単語が並んでいます。BとDは発音が同じですが、Bは回転、Dは鳥の一種です。Cはチームです。残るAが「条件」という意味なので、正解はAです。 Do more TOEIC practice here!...