Phrase of the Week: Would You Care For Some Tea?

“Would you care for some tea?” “Yes, thank you.” “Care” has many meanings. Here it is the same as “Would you like some tea?” It is a polite way to ask someone if they want something. We don’t want our guest to feel like they have to drink tea if they don’t want to....

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“It is ______ to assume that we will sell more during the sale.” Fill in the blank. A. illogical B. logical C. irrational D. illusion 「セール期間中、売り上げが上がると想定するのが当然だ」 AとCは一緒で非論理的という意味です。Dは幻影という意味で形容詞でもありません。「論理にかなった」や「当然な」という意味のBが正解です。 Do more TOEIC practice here!...

Trivia of the Week: Augustus

The month of August is named after the Roman emperor Augustus. Its name was changed in the year 8 BC from “Sextilis”, a name it received because it was originally the sixth in a ten-month calendar....

Idiom of the Week: A Madhouse

“Look at this place! Children making mud pies in the kitchen, dogs running through the hall, loud music playing in the living room and the adults are starting a fire in the yard. It’s a madhouse!” A madhouse is actually an insane asylum, but we sometimes use it to...

Word of the Week: Overcome

“He overcame his fear of heights to become a professional pilot.” “Overcome” means to get over a difficulty or problem, or defeat an enemy. It ends with “come” and is conjugated in the same way. The past is “overcame”, not “overcomed”. 「彼は高所恐怖症を乗り越えてプロのパイロットになりました」...