TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“We have narrowed the options to these two choices.” Find the mistake. A. narrowed B. options C. these D. choices 「この2択まで絞りました。」 間違いはどこでしょうか? 「Narrow」には「狭くなる」という意味がありますが、これだけでは「絞る」という意味になりません。この意味で使うなら「narrow (something) down」ですので、「We have narrowed it...

Trivia of the Week: Cirrus Clouds

Cirrus clouds are high, wispy clouds. The name comes from a Latin word for a lock of hair. Cirrus clouds don’t rain, but sometimes they indicate that rain is coming soon. They can drop ice crystals, but the ice evaporates before it reaches the ground....

Idiom of the Week: In Ages

“Wow, I haven’t been here in ages! Everything looks different!” “In ages” just means “in a very long time”. In the dictionary, an age is a long period of time, such as the Stone Age or the Bronze Age. We are exaggerating quite a lot when we use “ages” to mean a few...

Word of the Week: Rats!

“Rats! I forgot my keys!” “Rats!” is something to say when you’re frustrated or disappointed. It’s not considered dirty, so you can say it in front of anyone. Perhaps you have heard famous cartoon character Charlie Brown use this word. It might sound a little childish...