Trivia of the Week: Pruney Fingers

Have you noticed that if you take a long bath, the skin on your fingers and toes gets wrinkly? English speakers call this “pruney fingers”, because the wrinkled skin looks like the skin of a prune (a sweet dried plum). Scientists say this doesn’t happen because our...

Idiom of the Week: Tip of the Iceberg

“Oh no, look at the mess the kids made in the hall! I knew they weren’t old enough to stay home without a babysitter.” “That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Wait until you see what they did in the kitchen!” An iceberg represents a problem or a bad thing. Icebergs are...

Word of the Week: Else

“The car ran out of gas, and it started raining. What else can go wrong?” “Okay, that’s one sandwich and one coffee. Do you want anything else?” “I’m tired of ice cream. Let’s get something else.” “Else” means “other than that” or “in addition to that.” It is useful...

Phrase of the Week: Hang Out

“Every day after school I hang out at the mall with my friends until my dad comes to pick me up.” “Hanging out” is spending time somewhere or with someone without doing anything important. You can hang out and watch a movie, or hang out and play video games, or hang...