Idiom of the Week: It’s All in Your Head

“You have to help me. Ninjas are following me around everywhere!” “There’s no such thing as ninjas. It’s all in your head.” If something is all in your head, it doesn’t exist in reality. Sometimes we worry a lot about something that isn’t a problem because it isn’t...

Word of the Week: Cashew

The cashew is a curved nut. It originally came from Brazil. The cashew nut is actually a seed inside the part that hangs down from the “cashew apple”. It looks very different from other nuts!...

Picture of the Week: Mars

This is Mars, the red planet. It is the next farthest from the sun after Earth. It is named for the Roman god of war. In some ways, Mars is similar to Earth. Maybe someday we will be able to live on Mars....

Phrase of the Week: Thankful

“Looking back at graduation, I’m thankful for all the opportunities I’ve had at this school.” November is a time to be thankful for the harvest and all the other good things in life. 「卒業する際に振り返ってみると、この学校がくれたたくさんの機会に感謝します。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

Criticize can be a valuable resource to increase customer satisfaction. Where is the mistake? A. Criticize B. valuable C. increase D. satisfaction 「批評もお客様満足度向上の為の貴重な情報資源になります。」 間違いはどこでしょうか? 主語は名詞が基本ですが、ここでは動詞の「criticize」になっています。動詞でも形を変えれば名詞扱いができますが、「to...