Idiom of the Week: Just what the doctor ordered

Paul: Ahh! This hot spring is so relaxing. Eustace: It’s just what the doctor ordered. I can feel the stress leaving my body. If you see the doctor, he or she will order something that will make you feel better and heal your body. So when something is very good for...

Word of the Week: Lay

“I had a headache, so I lay down on the couch.” “Every morning the chicken lays an egg.” It is very easy to confuse “lay” and “lie” in English. In the present tense, “lay” means to set something down (it takes an object). “Lie” means to rest on a surface (it doesn’t...

クリスマスプレゼント キャンペーン!12/22までに入会してプレゼントをGET!

12/22(土)までにご入会された方に、もれなくクリスマスプレゼント(DVD、お菓子など)を差し上げます。12月中にお手続きをしてレッスンスタートは1月からでもOK。是非この機会に無料体験レッスンをご予約下さい。 12月は混み合いますので早めのご予約をお勧めします! 詳しくはお電話・メール・HPのお問合せフォームのいずれかからご連絡ください!...

Picture of the Week: Delicate Arch

Delicate Arch is an amazing rock formation located in the state of Utah. It is 20 meters tall. Its shape looks like a pair of legs. It is made of sandstone that was worn away by the weather to form an arch....

Phrase of the Week: Look forward to

“Are you coming to my party on Saturday?” “Yeah, I’m really looking forward to it.” When we anticipate something pleasant in the future, it is sometimes hard to keep our minds on the present. Our attention tends to focus on whatever it is that we are looking forward...