執筆者 Modern English | 2012年09月11日 | Words
“Mind if I smoke?” To mind something means to be bothered by it. We usually say “I don’t mind,” when something does not bother us. It is less common to see the positive form except in answer to a question: “Do you mind if I smoke?” “Yes, I do mind. It makes me cough.”...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年09月10日 | Pictures
Northumberland is a very rebellious county. People from the area don’t think of themselves as English, they are Northumbrians or Geordies first. Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland and his son, Harry Hotspur, led rebellions against King Henry IV in the 15th Century....
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年09月08日 | Phrases
Lisa: I can do a triple cartwheel! Norman: I’ll believe that when I see it. This is a phrase we use to express disbelief. I don’t believe what you’re saying, but if I see it with my own two eyes, then I will believe it. リサ:私、三連続で側転できるの! ノーマン:見なきゃ信じられないよ。...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年09月07日 | TOEIC
The attaching document contains our figures for this month. Where is the mistake? A. attaching B. contains C. our figures D. this month 今月の金額が明記されたドキュメントを添付します。 ファイルを添付するときは「I am attaching the file」や「I have attached the...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年09月06日 | Trivia
If you cross your fingers and touch your nose, you can feel two noses. It also works with small round objects such as a dry bean. This is called the Aristotle illusion. The spatial relationship between your fingers is different than usual, and it confuses your brain...