Idiom of the Week: Play it by Ear

Kate: You’re visiting Kyoto? What are you planning to see? Ellen: I’m just going to play it by ear. I like to be spontaneous. Usually musicians learn songs by reading the music off paper. But if you don’t know a song, sometimes you can play it anyway just by listening...

Word of the Week: Handy

“Handy” can mean “convenient”. If I need to write down a memo to remember something, I will use whatever pen is handy. It can also mean “good at fixing things”. If a person is handy, he or she can repair things around the house, such as changing a light bulb or fixing...

Picture of the Week: Roller Coaster

In Orlando, Florida, there are many theme parks. They offer attractions such as shows, games, and zoo exhibits. Perhaps the most exciting part of a theme park is the rides! Roller coasters accelerate in different directions and sometimes even loop upside-down. Do you...

Phrase of the Week: I Get the Picture

“Bob, we need to talk. You’ve been late to the last three games.” “I told you, my wife had a migraine.” “I know. But also, your performance has really been suffering ever since you changed jobs. This just isn’t working out anymore.” “Okay, I get the picture. You’re...


毎日ほんとうに暑いですね。 こう暑い日が続くと、何をするにもダラダラしがち。。。 そんな毎日を英会話でシャキッとさせませんか?! この夏、モダンイングリッシュではブログ、Facebook, Twitterをご覧の皆様を対象にお得な夏のキャンペーンを行ってます。   ウェブレッスン 日本在住ネイティブ講師 4回レッスン(50分レッスン) 通常¥13,240 → 特別価格¥9,450 フィリピン在住講師 4回レッスン(25分レッスン) 通常¥2,800 → 特別価格¥1,600 TOEICオンラインレッスン...