執筆者 Modern English | 2012年04月03日 | Words
“It’s chilly out today! Don’t forget your jacket!” 「今日は寒いから、ジャケットを忘れないで!」 We use “chilly” to describe cold weather, or feeling cold. “Are you warm enough?” “Actually, I’m a bit chilly.” 寒い天気、寒く感じることを「chilly」で表現します。...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年04月02日 | Pictures
This is a famous UK image. ER II stands for Queen Elizabeth 2nd. R stands for ‘Regina’ – Latin for Queen. This dates the post box as being from 1952 on. Previous rulers were noted as GR, George Rex (King) ER, Edward Rex, VR, Victoria Regina. ポストボックス...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年03月08日 | News
We will be loading new content starting April 2nd. This will include lots of fun, free learning tips and things to do. Please check back on April 2nd.
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年03月06日 | カテゴリーなし
Hi, welcome to the new Modern English Korien blog. We will be putting our thoughts up here, and hope to hear comments from you. Check back soon!