
今月からは知ってそうで意外に知らない英語をご紹介しますね。 今日は、みなさんも良く使うmanyとmuchです。 どちらも量や数を表す「たくさんの~」という意味ですね。   manyとmuchの違いは何でしょう? それは、後にくる名詞が数えられるか数えられないかで使い分けます。 manyは数えられる名詞、muchは数えられない名詞の時で、主に疑問文や否定文で活用します。 例えばこんな感じ。 How many presents did you get?  I didn’t get many presents....

Do lions eat noodles? Learn the sounds l, m and n with the Phonanimals! ライオンはヌードルを食べるの?フォナニマルと一緒にl, m, nの音を覚えましょう!

Classroom Tip This song from Happy Valley Phonics Book 1, Unit 5, introduces vocabulary that begin with the l, m, and n sounds. Use gestures for the words and do them as you sing along. Put the flashcards on the ground and ask students What does Leo want? Have them...

Idiom of the Week: Knock ‘em Dead

“Good luck in your school play. You’re gonna knock ‘em dead.” To “knock them dead” sounds like killing people by hitting them, but it actually just means to impress the audience with a good performance. 「文化祭の演劇頑張ってね。きっと大成功だよ。」 「Knock them...

Phrase of the Week: Needs Work

“Your math scores are really good, but your English needs work.” “The car still needs some work before I will be able to drive it.” If something “needs work” it means there are tasks that must be completed in order for it to be good quality. It can also mean that a...

Idiom of the Week: Jump the Gun

“He jumped the gun by assigning blame before seeing the evidence.” To “jump the gun” is to start running before the starting gun of a race. We can use it to describe any situation in which someone does something too soon. 「証拠を確認する前に犯人を決めつけたのは早とちりだった。」 「Jump the...