Picture of the Week: Camellia

The camellia is a flower from Asia. You shouldn’t give camellias to people recovering in the hospital. It’s easy for the whole flower to fall off, which isn’t a good image for recovery.  ...

Phrase of the Week: Make You Pay

“Did you just shoot a blue shell at me? I’ll make you pay for that!” “Calm down. It’s just a video game.” To make someone pay (for something they did) is to get revenge (for what they did). Of course, it can sometimes mean to force someone to pay money for something....

Trivia of the Week: Peanut Brittle

Peanut brittle is a flat candy with peanuts in it. “Brittle” means “hard and easy to break”, and peanut brittle is broken into pieces, rather than cut. Peanut brittle is popular in the U.S. but in other places other nuts are more popular, such as pecans or almonds....