Idiom of the Week: Off the Rails

“His life really went off the rails when he started abusing alcohol.” “The party went off the rails when someone tried to fill the whole pool with punch.”   When a train goes off the rails, it is a big problem because it will crash and not reach its destination....

Idiom of the Week: The Brains Behind It

“I can’t believe you guys threw me a birthday party.” “Well, I helped decorate, but John was the brains behind the operation.” Sometimes it takes many people to do something (something good like a birthday party, or something bad like a major crime). Often there is...

Idiom of the Week: Take Someone for a Ride

“But the salesman told me this was the latest model!” “Sounds like he took you for a ride.” “I trusted my friend to invest my money, but he took me for a ride.” To take someone for a ride is to cheat them, usually for money or some other benefit. 「店員が最新型だと言ったのに!」...

Idiom of the Week: Over the Hill

“Birthdays aren’t as much fun when you’re an adult, are they?” “Don’t worry. You’re not over the hill yet.” When someone is “over the hill” it means they are older and past their prime. A funny birthday card for an adult might joke about how they are “over the hill”....

Idiom of the Week: Ignorance is Bliss

“Where did you get that chocolate?” “Bill gave it to me.” “Isn’t that the chocolate Jane gave him for Valentine’s Day? Are you going to tell her he gave it to you?” “No. Ignorance is bliss.”   Sometimes we are happier if we don’t know something. Not knowing...

Idiom of the Week: It’s My Way or the Highway

“Wouldn’t it be better if we did it like this?” “Look, I’m in charge here, so it’s my way or the highway.”   This phrase means that you have to do things my way, or else you can just leave (hit the highway). It’s not very polite or professional! Hopefully you...