Idiom of the Week: Down to a Fine Art

“He told me he was at his friend’s house. He even sent a picture of them when they were there. But he was actually at that party I said he couldn’t go to. He has lying down to his parents down to a fine art.”   When someone is very skilled at something through a...

Idiom of the Week: Come Up in the World

“He used to work in the mail room, but now he’s a senior manager. He’s really come up in the world.”   In the world there are many positions and jobs. Those with more power, prestige or money are considered “higher” so as you gain more power or a better job, you...

Idiom of the Week: Shipshape

“This bicycle hasn’t been used for a while. I’m going to get it shipshape before I ride it into town this weekend.” A ship has to be organized and in good condition before it can sail. A bicycle is not a ship, but we compare anything to a ship...

Modern English Idiom of the Week: Rock-Bottom

“I lost my job and my husband left me and took the kids. I’ve really hit rock-bottom.” When you are digging a hole with a shovel and you hit solid rock, you can’t dig any farther. The rock is the bottom of the hole, and you can’t go any...

Idiom of the Week: Mexican Standoff

“Neither of us wanted to make a deal, so it was a Mexican standoff.”   A Mexican standoff is a confrontation in which nobody has a good option. The tension continues because nobody has an advantage and nobody can retreat.  ...