Idiom of the Week: Dressed to Kill

“Do I look okay in this dress for the party?” “Better than okay, you’re dressed to kill!” “Dressed to kill” doesn’t literally mean wearing clothes appropriate for murder. It’s really just “dressed to impress” or “very well dressed”. 「パーティーに着るドレス、これで大丈夫かな?」...

Idiom of the Week: Long Time No See

“Hi, Bob, long time no see!” “Yeah, I guess the last time was at the Jill’s wedding!” “Long time no see” is a cute greeting to use when you haven’t seen someone in a long time. It’s not really grammatically correct: “It’s been a long time and I have not seen you.”...

Idiom of the Week: Party Animal

“I can’t believe John was dancing on the table last night.” “Yeah, he’s a real party animal.” A party animal is someone who goes wild and has fun at parties. 「昨日の夜、ジョンがテーブルの上で踊っていたのがまだ信じられないよ。」 「ほんと、彼はパーティーが大好きだよね。」 Party animal...

Idiom of the Week: Family Man

“Are you coming to the barbecue this weekend?” “No, I can’t. I’ve got to go to my kid’s baseball game.” “Oh, I didn’t know you were a family man!” A family man is basically a man who has a family, i.e. one or more children. But to be a real family man you must be a...

Idiom of the Week: Up In Smoke

“When the boat sank, their investment went up in smoke.” When something goes up in smoke, it is completely lost, as if it had burned up in a fire. It is especially fitting if it actually was lost in a fire. However, the fire is just a metaphor, so it could be lost in...

Idiom of the Week: A Screw Loose

“I’m going to quit my job and become a professional ostrich trainer.” “What? Do you have a screw loose?” To have a screw loose is to be crazy. A machine whose parts are held together by screws doesn’t work quite right if one of the screws is loose. In this metaphor,...