Idiom of the Week: His Father’s Son

Mother: “Here, honey, I didn’t put any tomatoes on your salad.” Father: “Thanks!” Mother: “Here’s your salad, Billy.” Billy: “Ew! I hate tomatoes!” Mother: “He’s certainly his father’s son.” In this story, Billy and his father both dislike tomatoes. We say “He’s his...

Idiom of the Week: Feeling Blue

Joel: *sigh* Fred: “What’s wrong?” Joel: “I don’t know…” Fred: “You know, when I’m feeling blue, I like to go on a walk in the park.” If a person is blue, it means that he or she feels sad. What can you do to cheer yourself up when you feel blue? ジョエル:(ため息)...

Idiom of the Week: Jam-Packed or Nuts

“Let’s go to the movie on Monday. The theater will be jam-packed on the weekend.” “Jam-packed” means very full or crowded. “To jam” means to force something into something else, so it makes sense to think that something would be jam-packed after someone jammed a lot...

Idiom of the Week: Make a Mountain Out of a Molehill

“Look at this giant hole in my car! It will cost thousands to fix!” “It’s just a tiny scratch. You’re really making a mountain out of a molehill.” A molehill is a tiny pile of dirt that gets pushed up when a mole digs a hole. A mountain is many thousands of times as...

Idiom of the Week: A One-Track Mind

Tour guide: “When we reach the top of the hill, we’ll visit the museum—” Husband: “Is there food in the museum?” Wife: “Ignore him; he has a one-track mind.” If you are always thinking about a certain thing, people will say you have a one-track mind. In this example,...

Idiom of the Week: You Drive a Hard Bargain

“I’ll give you $10 for it.” “I can’t sell it for less than $30.” “You drive a hard bargain. $25 is my final offer.” “Sold!” Someone who is buying, selling, or negotiating an agreement usually wants to get the best deal possible. If you won’t give much ground in the...