Idiom of the Week: Best of Both Worlds

Lisa: I think I’ll get cake. Thelma: I feel like ice cream today. Penny: I’m getting pancakes. They have ice cream on top, so it’s the best of both worlds! When something combines the good points of two other things, we say it’s “the best of both worlds.”...

Idiom of the Week: Until my ship comes in

Bob: Ugh, what a day. Eight hours without a break. And the customers were just terrible. Frank: It sounds like you aren’t enjoying your job. Bob: Well, it pays the bills, but it’s just until my ship comes in. Imagine you own a ship that has sailed off to a distant...

Idiom of the Week: Hole in the wall

“This apartment is such a hole in the wall. I wish I could afford to live in a big house in a nice neighborhood.” A hole in the wall is a small, out-of-the-way place. It refers to an indoor place, such as a home or business. Although the connotation is not positive, a...

Idiom of the Week: Treading Water

Polly: Is your café making any profit? Josh: No, we’re just treading water. We aren’t falling into debt, but we aren’t making any money either. Treading water means moving your arms and legs so that you don’t sink, but not swimming in any direction. It could be worse,...

Idiom of the Week: Raking in the Money

Jane: “How is business?” Mary: “Great! Since I started selling online, I’ve really been raking it in!” What is Mary raking in? Money! When we say we are raking it in, or raking in the money, it means we are making a lot of profit. So much money that we have to rake up...

Idiom of the Week: All Greek to Me

Husband: How do you set the clock on this gadget? Wife: Well, I have the instruction manual, but it’s all Greek to me. Husband: Let’s just get the kids to do it. Most English speakers don’t know any Greek at all. When they see something they don’t understand in the...