Idiom of the Week: Birthday Suit

Jack: My son is such a trouble maker. Martha: Tell me about it. My little Billy escaped from his bath yesterday and ran around the neighborhood in his birthday suit! When a baby is born, it is not wearing any clothes. So your “birthday suit” refers to the clothes you...

Idiom of the Week: Early Bird

We say that the early bird gets the worm. This saying encourages people to wake up early to get a good start on the day. If you sleep in late, there might not be any worms left for breakfast....

Idiom of the Week: On the Ball

Thomson: Wow, can you believe Jenkins finished that project already? Sawyer: Yeah, he’s really on the ball. Balancing while standing on a large ball takes a lot of focus and concentration. When you are focused on your work and doing a perfect job, we say you are “on...

Idiom of the Week: Snowball

“Then the dog’s leash got tangled in a lawn chair, which got dragged into the neighbor’s yard.” “Really? That must have been funny.” “Yeah, if my boss hadn’t been sitting in the chair.” “Oh no!” “And then the dog turned a corner and the chair and my boss went in the...

Idiom of the Week: Green

“Do you think Bob would make a good team leader for this project?” “I don’t know. He’s very knowledgeable about the subject, but he’s still pretty green.” “Green” means “inexperienced”. Fruits and vegetables often start out green and then change color as they ripen....

Idiom of the Week: Sick as a Dog

“How are you?” “I’m sick as a dog. Don’t touch me; it’s contagious.” Dogs are not particularly more prone to sickness than other animals, but when someone is very sick, we say they are as sick as a dog. One theory about the origin of this phrase is that it is because...