Idiom of the Week: Famous Last Words

Jasper: I don’t know if you should try jumping your bike off that home-made ramp. Are you sure it’s safe? Fred: Of course I am. It’s perfectly safe. Jasper: Famous last words. Someone’s last words are the words they said immediately before they died, the last words...

Idiom of the Week: I don’t want to blow my own horn

Ethan: Tell them about the contest, honey. Delilah: Well, I don’t want to blow my own horn, but I did pretty well… Ethan: She won first place! Sometimes we celebrate things by playing music. Here, saying good things about someone is compared to blowing a horn. It is...

Idiom of the Week: Blabbermouth

Kevin: Come on, tell me! I told you my secret. Penny: No, I can’t tell you. You’re a big blabbermouth. You already told everyone about the time I threw up at the dentist’s office. To blab is to give away the secrets of your friends or allies. Some people are just no...

Idiom of the Week: It’s a small world.

Ken: You’ll never guess who I saw at the grocery store. Ted: Who? Ken: My old roommate from college! Ted: But didn’t you go to college in California? Ken: Yeah! Small world, huh? We say the world is small because we keep meeting the same people by coincidence. What...

Idiom of the Week: Go overboard

Bill: So, for Helen’s birthday party, I want to hire a clown, a magician, a pony ride… Karen: Hang on, Bill, let’s not go overboard. She’s only three. I think that might be too much excitement. To go overboard is to get carried away and do too much. Literally, if you...

Idiom of the Week: Fight fire with fire!

(Some children are playing a game of Capture the Flag.) Billy: Oh no! Sarah has a water gun! Erica: We’ll have to fight fire with fire. Get the hose! Fighting fire with fire means using the same weapon or technique that your enemy is using. In the example above, fire...