Idiom of the Week: A Piece of Cake

Boss: Jenkins, I can’t believe you fixed the company website so fast! Jenkins: It was a piece of cake! If something is very easy to do, we say it is a piece of cake. Of course, some things are easy for some people and not for others. We usually say something is a...

Idiom of the Week: Play it by Ear

Kate: You’re visiting Kyoto? What are you planning to see? Ellen: I’m just going to play it by ear. I like to be spontaneous. Usually musicians learn songs by reading the music off paper. But if you don’t know a song, sometimes you can play it anyway just by listening...

Idiom of the Week: They Made Short Work of That!

Aunt Mabel: I’ve brought a cake for the children. Mom: That’s wonderful, Aunt Mabel! Kids: (each taking a slice of cake) Thanks, Aunt Mabel! Aunt Mabel: Well, they certainly made short work of that! To make short work of something is to finish it quickly. In this...

Idiom of the Week: Follow Suit

“After one major game console manufacturer included motion control in their new console, the other manufacturers followed suit and introduced similar technology over the next few years.” The phrase “to follow suit” originally meant “to play a card from the same suit...

Idiom of the Week: From the Word Go

Billy: It’s raining again! And a mosquito bit me! I hate Florida! Jane: Why do they call this place “The Sunshine State”? This vacation has been a disaster from the word go. To start a race, you say “Ready…set…go!” The runners all take off on the word “go”. It is the...

Idiom of the Week: Fit as a Fiddle

Dr. Jones: You should really think about toning down your workouts, Mr. Laurence. You’re not as young as you used to be. Mr. Laurence: Nonsense! I’m as fit as a fiddle! A fiddle is a stringed instrument like a violin. It is not really any healthier than any other...