Modern English Idiom of the Week: Chill out!

“I’m so worried about the new project!” “Just chill out and don’t worry about it!” In a casual setting, we say “chill out” to mean “relax.” It is often used as a command. 「新しいプロジェクトがとても心配だ!」「リラックスしなよ、心配は要らない。」 カジュアルな場面では「リラックスする」という意味で「chill...

Modern English Idiom of the Week: I told a white lie.

“Why did you tell Jane her new haircut looks good? It’s horrible!” “It’s just a white lie.” Sometimes we tell harmless lies for a good reason. For example, we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. These lies are called “white lies.”...

Modern English Idiom of the Week: Don’t spill the beans!

“I know you are planning a surprise party for me.” “You do? Who spilled the beans?” To spill the beans is to let out a secret. Another way to say the same thing is “to let the cat out of the bag.” In olden times, people would sell piglets in bags, but they tricked...