Phrase of the Week: Fend for Yourself

“After they leave their mother, the young animals must fend for themselves.” “Fend” is a word that doesn’t appear by itself, but it appears in this common phrase meaning “look out for/take care of oneself”. It originally came from the word “defend”....

Phrase of the Week: I wouldn’t miss it for the world

“Are you coming to my birthday dinner?” “Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” When an event is very important, usually because it’s a special occasion for a person we care about, we can express it with this phrase. It suggests we wouldn’t decide not to go to...

Phrase of the Week: I can’t afford it

“I really want this new game, but I can’t afford it.” “We can’t afford to waste time if we’re going to get to the theater before the movie starts.” We say we can’t afford something when we don’t have enough money to buy it. We can also use this expression with things...

Phrase of the Week: For Sure

“Well, we’re never shopping here again. That’s for sure.” “Are you coming to my party tomorrow?” “For sure!” If something is “for sure”, it means there is no doubt. It’s definitely true! 「もう二度とこの店に来ない!絶対に!」 「明日のパーティーに来る?」 「もちろん!」 「For...

Phrase of the Week: I Can’t Stand It

“Can you use headphones if you’re going to listen to that? You know I can’t stand that song.” “My wife loves garlic, but I can’t stand it.” If you really don’t like something and can’t tolerate being around it, you...

Phrase of the Week: Get used to

“When you live near a busy road, you get used to the sound of cars and sirens.” “This class was really hard at first, but after I got used to it, it was kind of fun.” When something new and unfamiliar becomes familiar to you, you “get...