Phrase of the Week: Allow Me

“Here’s our table. Please, allow me.” This is a phrase you use when you do something helpful, such as pull out a chair or open a door for someone. It draws attention to how polite you’re being and shows that you don’t mind helping. 「こちらが私たちのテーブルですね。どうぞ。」...

Phrase of the Week: Stay Back!

“Stay back! I have a knife!” “Stay back! There’s broken glass on the floor. Don’t come in here until I clean it up.” In movies, people often tell monsters or other scary creatures to “stay back!” This is an urgent...

Phrase of the Week: Just Because

“Thank you! But what are the flowers for?” “Just because. I don’t need a reason to bring you flowers, do I?” We usually use “because” before the reason for something. But when there’s no reason, there’s nothing to...

Phrase of the Week: It’s Safe to Say

“All your practice test scores have been good, so I think it’s safe to say you’ll pass.” We use this phrase when we are pretty sure something will prove to be true. It’s “safe” to say this because there’s no danger that...

Phrase of the Week: Take the Fall

“He stole a lot of money but never went to jail because one of his underlings took the fall.” To take the fall is to receive the blame and consequences for someone else’s bad actions. 「彼は大金を盗んだが、手下が身代わりになったので刑務所に入らずに済んだ。」 「Take the...

Phrase of the Week: On My Mind

“Tell me what’s on your mind.” “I can’t get Danielle off my mind. I’m going to apologize to her.” When you are thinking about something, it is “on your mind”.If you can’t  stop thinking about it, you...