執筆者 Modern English | 2015年03月09日 | Pictures
Cauliflower looks kind of like white broccoli. The English name actually comes from “cabbage flower”. It also comes in the colors orange, green and purple! カリフラワーは白いブロッコリーみたいな野菜です。名前の由来は cabbage...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年03月02日 | Pictures
A miniature horse is less than one meter tall at the withers (shoulders). This miniature horse has a gold-colored coat and white mane and tail. She is a palomino....
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年02月23日 | Pictures
Horses have been important to humans for a long time, so there are many special words to describe them. This horse’s coloring is called “bay”. It means a reddish brown horse with black mane, tail, and legs....
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年02月16日 | Pictures
Candy hearts with short romantic messages are called “conversation hearts”. They are sold as “Sweethearts” in the U.S. and “Love Hearts” in the U.K. These candies have been around since the year 1901. ロマンチックな短いフレーズを書いたハート型のお菓子を conversation hearts...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年02月09日 | Pictures
The red rose is probably the most romantic of flowers and a common gift on Valentine’s Day. Have you ever given or received a flower?...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年02月02日 | Pictures
Do you know this flower? It’s called “calla”. In addition to the unusual shape of the flower, it has heart-shaped leaves....