TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Once you have _____ the color scheme, please tell the designers.” Fill in the blank. A. determine B. determined C. detriment D. detrimental 「色彩の配合が決まったらデザイナーに伝えてください。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“They say the client is always right, but it’s a good thing I was able to persuade him from using his cousin’s design.” Find the mistake. A. client is always right B. it’s a good thing C. persuade him from D. his cousin’s design...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Our inventory system is ______. We should adopt a new one.” Fill in the blank. A. updated B. expired C. outdated D. postdated 「商品目録システムが古いです。新しいものを導入したほうがいいです。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“It’s a difficult problem, but if we work together we can figure up a solution.” Find the mistake. A. difficult B. work together C. figure up D. solution 「難しい問題ですが皆で力を合わせれば解決法がわかるはずです。」 Cook upやthink...

Modern English TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“If you want to take _____ in the festival, you must sign up by this Wednesday.” Fill in the blank. A. role B. part C. piece D. fun 「祭りに参加するなら水曜日までに登録しないといけません。」 「参加する」の部分に空欄があります。「Take」は「取る」など色々な意味はありますが、ここは決まったペアの片方です。Dのfunは、「祭りを楽しむ」という意味だったら「take...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“You can recognize this bird by its character pattern of colors.” Find the mistake. A. recognize B. by its C. character D. pattern 「この鳥は独特の色の模様で区別できます。」...