TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“The storm enhanced the rescue effort, but after twelve long hours the survivors of the helicopter crash were safely off the mountain. Find the mistake. A. enhanced B. effort C. survivors D. safely 「嵐が救出作戦を邪魔したが、12時間後にはヘリ事故を生き残った人々は安全に山を下りていました。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“We must ______ the presenters’ scheduling conflicts before we can print the invitations.” Fill in the blank. A. recognize B. reduce C. realize D. reconcile 「招待状を印刷する前に司会者のスケジュールの矛盾を調整しないといけない」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“The project is off to a good start and will fulfill its long-term goals very soon, according to plan.” Find the mistake. A. off to a good start B. will fulfill C. long-term goals D. according to plan 「プロジェクトが幸先のいいスタートを切ったので、予定よりずっと長い時間をかけて目標を達成するでしょう」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“The tornado ______ our supply chain and caused delays in the release of the new product.” Fill in the blank. A. disrupted B. disturbed C. dislocated D. disliked 「竜巻でサプライチェーンが中断され、新商品の発売を遅らせました」 Cは肩などを脱臼することを言います。Dは「嫌い」です。Bは「邪魔した」という意味なのでありえますが、一番適切なのはAです。 Do more...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“As a customer, I find a three-hour wait to be served at the customer service desk completely bearable. I am never shopping here again.” Find the mistake. A. As a customer B. three-hour wait C. to be served D. completely bearable...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Today only, this product is a real _____ at 50% off!” Fill in the blank. A. cheap B. bargain C. negotiation D. reasonable Aだと形容詞の後ですから名詞が必要です。名詞だけに絞るとBとCが残ります。Cは「交渉」という意味です。かなり似ている「取引」という意味の「deal」だったらこの文章にも使えますが、やはり「お得」のBが適切ですね。 Do more TOEIC practice here!...