TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Keeping score can motivate students by adding an elementary of competition.” Find the mistake. A. Keeping score B. motivate C. elementary D. competition 「スコアは競争の要素を加えることで生徒のモチベーションになりえます。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“The tests showed that the benefit from the medicine was insignificant, so it was approved to be sold to patients.” Find the mistake. A. showed B. benefit C. insignificant D. approved 「実験の結果から薬はかなり有効だと証明されたので、患者に販売される許可が下りました。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Brightly colored packages _____ for the attention of shoppers.” Fill in the blank. A. compete B. converge C. fight over D. complete 「鮮やかなパッケージは買い物をする人の注意を引こうと競い合います。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“You must abstain the room key from the front desk when you check in.” Find the mistake. A. must B. abstain C. from the D. when you 「チェックインするときに受付から鍵を取得しないといけません。」 「取得する」なら「abstain」ではなく「obtain」です。Abstainは、何かをしないことです。例えば、手術の前に物を食べたらいけない場合はabstain from eatingやabstain...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Not many customers will participate in the survey if it is too _________.” Fill in the blank. A. entertaining B. time-consuming C. brief D. rewarding 「あまり時間がかかるとアンケートを書いてくれるお客さんは少ないです。」...