TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

The _____ expenses are too high. We need to cut costs to make this project profitable. A. projected B. projection C. progression D. projectile 「予定した経費は高すぎる。このプロジェクトが利益を出すには、コストを低くしなければならない。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

Unfortunately we were randomly selected to have our taxes auditing. A. Unfortunately B. randomly C. selected to D. auditing 間違っている部分はどれですか? 「残念ながら、うちの会社が税務監査に選ばれてしまった。」 税務監査をするのではなく、監査されるので、「Our taxes will be audited」となります。「We will have our carpet...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

There were some minor setbacks, but ____ the project went very well. A. however B. overall C. considerately D. proportionately 空欄に入る単語はどれですか? 小さなトラブルはいくつかありましたが、全体的にこのプロジェクトは大成功でした。...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

We need to make our system for handling customer complaints more deficient. A. need to make B. handling C. customer complaints D. more deficient どの部分が間違っていますか? お客様のクレームに対応するシステムを効率化しなければならない。...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

Please ask the client to _____ how many people will attend the conference. A. estimate B. impose C. prompt D. wonder 空欄に入る単語はどれですか? クライアントに会議の出席人数の見積もりをきいてください。...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

Please reminder Bob to have that report on my desk by tomorrow. Find the mistake: A. Please reminder B. have that report C. on my desk D. by tomorrow “Reminder” is a noun (something, such as a memo, that reminds you to do something). Here we need a verb form...